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Guide to Goal Setting

Goal setting is an important method of

deciding what is important to you
separating what is important for you from what is irrelevant
motivating yourself to achievement
building self-confidence

Failure to meet goals is useful in improving the likelihood of long-term success as long as you draw useful lessons from it and feed it back into your goal setting program.

You should allow yourself to enjoy the achievement of your goals and reward yourself appropriately.

Goal Setting Steps

Step 1 – Desire is the great motivation. The powerful force that drives you toward your goals.

Step 2 – You must believe with all your heart and have no doubts that you have the ability to achieve your goals.

Step 3 – The third and most important step is to write your goals out in complete detail, exactly as you wish to have them. Until your goals are committed to paper, they are not goals; they are simply wishes backed by fantasies.

Step  4– Determine all of the benefits you will receive by achieving your goals. Write out all of the benefits you will receive and enjoy by accomplishing your goals.

Step 5 – Set a deadline. Decide exactly when you are going to accomplish your goals and put it down on paper.

Step 6 – Identify the obstacles you will have to overcome to achieve your goals. You will discover major lingering obstacles in your mind.

Step 7 – Clearly define the knowledge you will need to learn in order to accomplish your goals.

Step 8 – Take all of the details that you have identified in step 6 and 7 and create a plan of action. Be sure and make it complete in every little detail.

Step 9 – Get a clear mental picture of your goals as if they are already attained. Picture in your mind repeatedly seeing yourself succeeding and achieving your goals. Just let your imagination run wild.

Step 10 – Back up you plan with determination, persistence, and a burning desire to never, never, give up until you have achieved your goal.

Additional Tips

Make sure the goal you are working for is something you really want, not just something that sounds good.

If you need help form someone in achieving your goal, will you have his or her cooperation?

Write your goal on the positive instead of the negative. Work for what you want, not for what you want to leave behind.

Write your goal out in complete detail.

Make sure your goal is high enough.

Reviewing your goals daily or weekly is crucial part of your success and must become a part of your routine. Each morning you wake up read your list of goals that are written in the positive aloud. Visualize the completed goal, see the new home, smell the leather seats in your new car, feel the new smaller outfit on your body. Each night before you go to bed repeat this process. This process will start both your subconscious and conscious mind working towards your goal. This will also replace any of the negative self-talk you may have and replace it with positive self-talk.